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Billy Norris

Billy has over 30 years of full time real estate experience with his core focus on farm sales. Billy is a leader in the farm real estate niche by knowing the business of agriculture and what the recipe is for a successful farm purchase. His keen business sense of the complex farm market prooves invaluable to Turnrow's real estate consulting services. 

Albie Kimble

Albie brings unique qualifications to Turnrow through his 10 years of experience in realestate farm sales and also as a life long farmer tilling 5,000 acres of corn, wheat and souybeans.  Albie's knowledge of farms, the land and what to look for in a farmland purchase prooves invaluable in the decision making process. Albie brings the knowledge and technical know-how of the farming process to Turnrow's realestate services.

 About me

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